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Dry Cleaning Blog

Reasons to Dry Clean Your Winter Coats

Reasons to Dry Clean Your Winter Coats Winter is not coming, winter is here! And with winter, out comes those gorgeous woolen sweaters, leather jackets and long coats. Who doesn’t love winter attire? This cozy comfort doesn’t come without an expense though. To keep...

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New Year, New Closet: A Guide To What To Get Rid Of

New Year, New Closet: A Guide To What To Get Rid Of As cliche as it is, there’s no better time to say “out with the old” than at the beginning of a glorious, fresh new year, and we’re welcoming 2023 by giving ourselves the gift of a closet that we’ll wear everything...

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Cleaning A Weighted Blanket

Cleaning A Weighted Blanket Are weighted blankets the greatest invention since sliced bread? That’s debatable, but what’s not debatable is that they are instantly loved by everyone who gets one. These hefty blankets can reduce anxiety, lead to better sleep, and up the...

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How to avoid pilling?

How to avoid pilling? Pilling. Unfortunately, it is something we are all familiar with. Pills can form on garments of any material and price point, from a less expensive acrylic blend to a high-end cashmere sweater. Keep reading to learn how to prevent pilling from...

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How to choose the best hangers for dry cleaned clothing

Hangers are made of various materials, including wood, satin, and velvet. Choosing the right material is the first step when shopping for hangers. Here are some tips to choosing the best hangers for your dry-cleaned clothing! Velvet Hangers for Delicate Items Your...

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How to know when to take your suit to the dry cleaner

Wedding season is upon us! Many of you may be overwhelmed by the number of invitations that seem to create a never-ending pile on your kitchen table. This means long nights of dancing, celebration, and fun. Don’t worry about pulling out that suit that hasn’t been used...

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The Risks of DIY Dry Cleaning

DIY dry cleaning is becoming quite popular on the counters. But is it really worth the money? More importantly, will it really save your money, or will it make you spend more? There are certain risks of DIY dry cleaning that you should be aware of. We've tried our...

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6 Tips for Storing Winter Clothes Safely

Now that spring is here, you can finally lose the heavy and bulky winter clothes. But what do you do with them? The truth is that many people don’t have enough room in their homes to store all of these items. Particularly since they take up a lot of space. Plus, even...

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Dry Cleaning And Washing Secrets

Do you remember how enthusiastic you were when you got your favorite clothes? Then, a few months down the line, you’re not as excited to wear them as they don’t look as new? This is one of the challenges we face when we purchase new clothes – when they start to look...

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Reasons To Dry Clean Everything in Your Closet After a Move

Moving into your new home comes with many excitements. For example, decorating your house just the way you want it and turning it into a home is just one of them. However, before you start enjoying all the benefits of your new home, you'll have to set everything up....

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Keep Your Wardrobe Fresh With Dry Cleaning Services

Keep Your Wardrobe Fresh With Dry Cleaning Services   Are you moving to Savannah, Georgia, and need someone to clean your clothes before you move? Or are you currently living in Savannah, Georgia, and cannot find great dry cleaners near you? Then, there's good...

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