Reasons to Dry Clean Your Winter Coats
Winter is not coming, winter is here! And with winter, out comes those gorgeous woolen sweaters, leather jackets and long coats. Who doesn’t love winter attire?
This cozy comfort doesn’t come without an expense though. To keep your coat in top condition, you need to have them dry-cleaned. Here’s why you need to have your winter coat dry-cleaned by professionals.
Tailored Cleaning Regimen
Dry cleaners tailor the cleaning regimen according to the needs of your coat. There is not one cleaning method applied to all coats. According to the fabric and cleaning instructions, they design the method, products to be used, and process to apply. This ensures that the sensitive fibers of your coat do not get damaged.
No Water Damage
Instead of water, dry cleaners use organic solvents. Wool, fur and any other fabric that can be ruined with excess water will stay safe. Solvents used in dry cleaning apply no damage to sensitive material in your coat.
Embellishments Stay Intact
Oftentimes, our biggest worry is lost buttons, torn laces or spoiled fur. But with dry cleaning, you can rest assure, that none of this will happen. Since there is no rough water rinse and clean process, your embellishments stay intact—even with antique laces or expensive buttons or pearls.
Adds Few More Years to Your Winter Coat
Cleaning your winter coats at home can ruin the fibers without you even noticing at times. Wool fibers swell and stretch with excess water while detergents can hide in the thick fibers and cause damage over time. Professional dry-cleaning service know better about chemicals that suits best with your coat. This helps your coats stay in better condition longer.
Overall, More Economical & Convenient
Winter coats are heavy. To clean them at home, you may need to run separate cycles for each coat. This means more detergent, water, and electricity. Not to mention the time!
Trust your laundry to the professionals at The Best Dry Cleaners of Savannah
We use an eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Process:
Utilization of green, environmentally friendly hydro-carbon based cleaners. We do NOT use the solvent, perchloroethylene, which is both a health and environmental hazard!
Dry Cleaners Savannah Georgia
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