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The Benefits of a Wash and Fold Service

We are always looking for ways to make life easier: robot vacuums, food delivery, grocery pick-up, and the list goes on. Shorten your to-do list. A service as old as time; sending your laundry to be professionally washed and folded. Consider the benefits of regularly using a wash and fold laundry service:

Time Saving 

It’s remarkable how busy we can be, even in the midst of a pandemic! While “busy” may look different these days with more and more people spending time working from home, the crunch on our time remains the same. Rather than spending your precious time sorting, washing, moving, drying, ironing, and folding, imagine instead spending just a few minutes dropping off your dirty laundry and picking it up clean and folded.

$$$ Saving

At first glance, paying someone to wash your clothes doesn’t feel like a money-saving choice. Your clothes are going to last longer when they are professionally washed and folded. The savings in your clothing budget will easily cover the cost of your laundry service. Also, you no longer need to buy laundry supplies or maintain/own a washer and dryer, all of which results in more savings.

Professional Results

Shrunken sweaters. Bleeding colors. Wrinkled slacks. All of those problems will be a thing of the past when you professionally launder your clothes. Your sweaters dry flat, stains will be properly treated, and your clothes will be correctly washed to ensure they look and smell their best.

The best part about wash and fold services is no commitment! Give our service a try and we guarantee you will see, feel, and smell the difference. Trust your laundry to the professionals at The Best Dry Cleaners