What is Eco Friendly Dry Cleaning?
Eco-friendly dry cleaning does not involve the use of water. The majority of the dry cleaners clean your clothes by using a very toxic solvent, and the administration calls it a dangerous air pollutant. It is known as perc or perchloroethylene, and a lot of dry cleaners using it all over the world.
Dry cleaners use perc as it is beneficial. Perc is a toxic air pollutant; it means that it can cause cancer and severe health issues. In short, concentrated explosions of perc or perchloroethylene can cause dizziness, loss of consciousness, and headaches.
Are eco-friendly dry cleaners safe?
Most of the dry cleaners use a solvent that is a toxin and truly got the label: EPA recently estimated perc, a possible pollutant when inhaled, that makes it unsafe for employees of & those who are living in the same place as a dry cleaner.
The majority of the eco-friendly dry cleaners utilize Green Earth Cleaning, which is presented to be environmentally safe, even though it is not organic. But it is safe as compared to perc, and it has D5, a constituent associated with stomach cancer in rats.
However, dry cleaning should not be your only choice. What you should look for, say experts at the Pollution Prevention Institute in New York, is wet cleaning.
Unlike cleaning clothes by using a traditional machine, in professional wet cleaning, we use water along with eco-friendly cleanser; thus, pure water particles never engross into fibers. However, some people say it can shrink organized clothes, the EPA calls wet cleaning is a biologically superior technology to dry cleaning.
What is green dry cleaning?
It refers to another dry cleaning process that does not include the use of perc or perchloroethylene. One process is wet cleaning; it is a gentle form of home dry-cleaning. Three additional green cleaning approaches follow the model of traditional solvent but use CO2, silicon, and hydrocarbon-based cleaners rather than perc.
But, of the four kinds of alternative cleaning presented in the US, only two are deliberated safe for our environment and customers. They are liquid CO2 cleaning & wet cleaning methods. If you are seeking the eco-friendly cleaning, then ask your dry cleaner which of the procedures is utilized in their cleaning method.
Procedures used by eco-friendly dry cleaners
1- Liquid CO2 cleaning
This method of cleaning uses liquid carbon dioxide as a solvent together with detergent. This liquid carbon dioxide is made by placing the non-toxic gas under high pressure. It is non-toxic & is used to offer carbonation to soft drinks.
Garments are placed in dry cleaning machines & the ambient air is drawn. Then the cleaning drum is inoculated with CO2 in gas as well as liquid form. Once the clothes are washed, then the liquid carbon dioxide is driven back into a stocking container for reuse.
Perhaps, this process is the eco-friendliest as the carbon dioxide is taken as a by-product of current industrial methods. Meanwhile, less than three percent of carbon dioxide used is gone into the air by each load of the outfit; its influence on global warming is negligible.
This method uses less energy as compared to traditional dry cleaning as there we do not heat this solvent. Whereas CO2 is cheap and naturally occurring, each dry cleaning machine has a price of $40,000 that makes it cost-prohibitive for several small businesses.
2- Wet Cleaning
In this method, we use water along with specialized cleaners that are milder rather than home-based laundry products to wash garments. Wet cleaners have electronic washers, dryers, & specialized steaming, pressing, and finishing gear to help your outfits look their best.
This is the non-toxic, professional cleaning process as there is no dangerous chemical, no harmful waste creation, no air contamination, and there is no soil and water contamination. Additional care is done before & after cleaning in this method.
3- Silicon-based solvent
The majority of the cleaners utilize the GreenEarth cleaning way to replace perchloroethylene. GreenEarth is liquified sand. It is also known as SiO2. It works as a solvent known as siloxane. Siloxane is like base materials used in deodorant as well as shaving creams. Once GreenEarth is thrown away, then it breaks into sand, CO2, and water.
In this method, no chemicals will touch your garments. But, the producer of siloxane utilizes chlorine, which emits carcinogenic dioxin while manufacturing methods.
4- Hydrocarbon-based solvent
A lot of cleaners encourage themselves by using DF-2000 or organic solvent. This is a hydrocarbon-based solvent that must be produced from petroleum. Manufacturing of these chemicals increases environmental problems, especially over greenhouse gases.
How to get the best outcomes by eco-friendly dry cleaners?
There are some things you can do to help the successful cleaning of your clothes.
- Let the experts do the job. Do not try to eradicate stains by yourself. Some home-based stain removers can cause difficulties that cannot be inverted.
- Be straightforward. Indicate the stains when you are dipping the clothes & recognize what caused the stain.
- If you have worries about loose buttons and small holes, then ask your cleaner to make repairs or check them thoroughly. If your cloth is vintage, then share that too so it can be dried even more carefully.
Trust your laundry to the professionals at The Best Dry Cleaners of Savannah
We use an eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Process:
Utilization of green, environmentally friendly hydro-carbon based cleaners. We do NOT use the solvent, perchloroethylene, which is both a health and environmental hazard!
Dry Cleaners Savannah Georgia
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